Ivy's on Dearborn, Award Winning Ladies Boutique



About Us

Award Winning Ladies Boutique. We carry quality fashions including: Oh My Gauze, Habitat Clothing Line, Escape by Habitat Clothing, La Mer Luxe, Zen Knits Aquavita and many more unique European Fashions. Vegan Leather Reversible Shoes, Fantasy Sandals, Eric Michael and more. Hats, Fascinators, Tagua Jewelry and locally made jewelry.

Video Media


Ivy's on Dearborn
Boutique Clothing
Oh My Gauze
Habitat Clothing
Escape Resort Wear
Oh My Gauze!
Fashion Shows

Printed courtesy of www.englewoodchamber.com – Contact the Englewood Florida Chamber of Commerce for more information.
601 So. Indiana Avenue, Englewood, FL 34223 – (941) 474-5511 – business@englewoodchamber.com